Most Curious Wedding Fair.

most curious wedding fair

Back in February when the world was normal I had the pleasure of attending my first wedding fair! Those of you who I have also been a wedding photographer for 10yrs will be appalled by this. I just have never needed to go to one to get work for myself. I also always feel pretty daunted by the level of work that goes into showcasing at a wedding. Most Curious wedding fair is no exception the standard of peoples stands is high!

I agreed to help my incredible friend and client Grania who is Ink & Paper for the weekend with set up and take down and purveyor of brownies for energy. Three of my other clients and friends were also exhibiting so I agreed as a thank you for all the lovely work they have sent my way to do some photos of their stands for all of them.

I love my client relationships, many have gone to become friends and most curious felt more like a lovely and fun event than a day at work. I was also in awe of everyone’s level of creativity when it came to their stands.

Cherelle from Perfectly Planned 4 You created a studio where you could explore a table set up and see inside her draws. The whole thing looked incredible and represented her brand as a wedding planner perfectly.

Laura from Devine Bride had a super fun feel her stand with these big metal display disk things (technical term right there) showcasing images from previous wedding and endless testimonials, again so on point for her brand.

Sarah from Avant Garde Cake Studio was beautifully every tone of pink with so much yumminess, she really is my favourite cake maker AND they are vegan!

Then of course, Grania’s stand was was every inch the Ink & Paper brand with a beautiful floral elegance that showcased some of her best sets. It was also interactive and you could print your own coaster.

All in all it was a super fun weekend of creativity and seeing friends, couldn’t ask for much more when it comes to doing your ‘job’ enjoy the photos!


And are you now thinking that you would like an EPIC brand photo shoot to kick start your visibility once this shit storm has passed over? Well from one small business to another I have an amazing offer for you. I am currently offering 40% off my headshot and half day packages while we are in lockdown.

Yep you heard that right 40% off.
This is never going to happen again. An unprecedented offer for unprecedented times. All you need to do is contact me to say you want one, then I will pop you over an invoice for the balance and then you will be ready to get booked in once we know that we can.

To find out more about what those packages include just click below.

ami robertson